Advanced Sessions

SI Sessions after much practice should be thorough without being systematic. Session times are booked on 90 minute intervals to ensure that what is supposed to happen does happen. Every person is different and possibly every person is different from one visit to another. Dr. Rolf called the sessions “hours” – “First Hour, Second Hour, Third Hour, and so on.

Cranial Sacral Integration Practitioner NCThe 90 minute time interval allows for a short conversation, or a hard time in traffic, or a discussion about an office chair or a pair of shoes, and there will still be time to complete a good session.

SI is a complete system of body work. We do not blend other modalities or healing systems. Only when practitioners can see the full benefits of the work, other amendments are not necessary.

To progress further, clients may return for a “tune-up” session/s, a 3-Series, the Advanced 5-Series, or Four-Handed Work. We have experienced a variety of ways that people utilize Structural Integration as preventative medicine, health care, or a touch stone for personal growth.



Highlands Mountain Studio
(828) 526-8880
464 Carolina Way
Highlands, NC 28741
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NC# 3413 NC# 3790